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Avoid diabetic foot ulcers

Saccharum Insoles are a comprehensive and groundbreaking solution for the management of diabetic foot.

Why Saccharum Insoles

Saccharum Insoles send information to your doctors and family members to help you find potential injuries you may not feel. This may help reduce the risk of diabetic foot ulcers. 

Help avoid diabetic foot ulcer

  • Neuropathy & Foot Ulcer
    When you lose the ability to feel pain due to nerve damage, a small injury can go unnoticed, become an ulcer, gangrene and ultimately amputation.

  • Continous Monitoring
    Saccharum Insoles monitor foot temperature, prevent Neuropathy with a built-in tens device and provide doctors and family members with information that can help them identify signs of potential injury.

  • Proven Science
    Temperature monitoring has been shown to reduce the number of foot ulcers by up to 87.5%

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